Who are the presenters


Ryland Goldstein ‒ Head of Product


Yimin Chen ‒ Engineering manager


Roey Berman ‒ SDK Tech lead SDK


Steve Kinney ‒ Head of Dev Tools


Brian Hogan ‒ Director of Education


Cully Wakelin ‒ Docs team manager

Q3 2022


Presented by: Yimin C

Brief: Multi-cursor improves persistence resource utilization as well as providing better isolation between tenants.

Scheduled Actions

Presented by: Yimin C

Brief: Cron jobs are one of the most common tools for backend developers, and running them reliably is harder than it should be. Scheduled Actions revamp the existing Temporal Cron experience to be far more powerful and much easier to use.

Spring Boot

Presented by: Roey B

Brief: It’s rare to be a Java developer in 2022 and not work with Spring Boot in some way. Although you could always hand-configure Spring Boot with Temporal, the outcome is usually not ideal and leaves the hard work to users. Working with Spring Boot will become a first-class experience within Temporal.

TypeScript GA

Presented by: Roey B

Brief: Although many things can block potential users from adopting Temporal, not supporting their favorite language is one of the hardest to “get over.” Of course, TypeScript/JavaScript is the most popular language in the world, but the Temporal TypeScript SDK boasts unique cutting-edge features (Workflow isolation) and is built on the new Rust core. It’s now GA, so there’s no good reason to not try it out!

Debugger plugin TypeScript

Presented by: Roey B

Brief: Temporal gives users a lot of visibility into their running application, but users also find themselves reaching for more when debugging in development. With the TypeScript VS Code plugin, additional context and controls are embedded directly in your editor.